Six Months on the Road Nov 2011 update
This post is out of order. It is a quick look into life on the road with six kids in a camper. To read the story from the beginning, scroll to the bottom of the second page.
….Well we are nearing the end of our first loop. It is hard to believe that we have been on the road for 6 months now. And I will admit, although it has been a good trip, I’m getting tired. The hardest part has been when we get ready to leave one place and head off once again to a new destination. The fear of the unknown. But God has always been faithful, He has always supplied our needs. Like the time we were going through Wisconsin and did not have a church lined up, so we asked God to show us where to stop and worship as we headed across the state. We not only came to a church in time for service, the pastor was interested in creation and wanted us to do a seminar the next time we are in the area. They had a covered lunch after service and asked us to stay. While eating someone asked how life went on the road, how I managed to do laundry …. and long story short, we ended up spending not just the afternoon but the night too (camper in their driveway) with our new friends. I got all the laundry done, they took us to tour a corn maze and a dairy farm. The next morning we came back to the farm and toured the cheese factory….. it was a wonderful refreshing stop.
Although we had a lot of car and camper problems in Michigan, it happened at the perfect place, and Ward Sparks was able to help with it all. (He and Elaine were also willing to put us up for the week instead of just the planned night.) I do not remember how much I have already covered in previous letters, but our 2 churches in New York went well. We were pleasantly surprised to find New York to be wooded hills and farmlands. We had a great few days with our neighbors who moved to New Jersey, and helped them to find a church which they are now attending.
We did 2 seminars in Virginia and toured a lot of historical sites. Had a wonderful week with the Childs family in NC and are now with our friends Karen and Steve. We were glad to be here with them as they
renewed their vows after 25 years of marriage. We will be near Knoxville this Wednesday and then head to SC before coming to GA.
Can’t wait to see you all there!
Praise: Hannah now looks at the audience and sings!!! thank you so much for praying about this!!
Praise: Although some days Jonny still throws a fit over reading, the fits are getting fewer and farther between!
Praise: no more van trouble
Praise: things are lining up in GA
Prayer: For our calendar to fill while in Florida
Prayer: wisdom and direction as we line up the next loop, and start to look at where to relocate
Prayer: continued traveling mercies and good health

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