Move to Illinois Nov 2016
This blog marks the end of being full time with our creation ministry. If you want to read the story from the beginning, scroll down to the end of the second page and read up.
As of November 2016, Brian is now a full-time employee of Samaritan Ministries International.With the new job we have now moved to Illinois.Although he is now fully employed, we will still be able to carry on the creation ministry – though more part time. For instance, part of his responsibilities at SMI is to be a representative at homeschool conventions across the country.Sometimes Carla will be able to go along and have a creation/educational booth as well; they would also be available to speak at the conventions.Since Conventions end on Saturday, Sunday would be available for seminars before heading for home.In December Brian spoke on creation at a pastor’s conference in Kentucky while also representing SMI at the conference. Also he will have 1 week per year that can be dedicated to mission trips or ministry work. During that week, we hope to annually put together a creation based nature center.Like the one we did at the Springs Camp in Michigan before moving to Illinois (see our nature center page for more info) .So it maybe part-time but we will still take every available opportunity to share the truth of God’s Word through the avenue of creation.

Find out more …
- About The Estells
- Another possible solution for disharmonious associations in Ice Age deposits
- Articles
- Connecting the Dots
- Contact information
- Creation based VBS
- Creation Resources
- Crinoid Fossils: Evidence of Millions of Years or the Global Flood?
- Did Winter Cleanse the Flood Water of Excess Salt?
- Do Antarctic Fossil Forests Prove Trees Grew near the South Pole?
- Educational Resources
- Fish Fossil
- Fish Fossils
- Geodes: Crystals Hidden Within a Round Rock
- Geology Explained in Terms of Global Flood Recovery
- God’s Forgotten Promise
- Living Fossils
- Making logical sense of earth’s geological column.
- Mount Saint Helens
- Mount Saint Helens
- Petrified Wood
- Petrified Wood
- Post Flood Migration of Mammals
- Printed Letters to the Editor
- Resources
- Reverse Engineering the Grand Canyon
- Seeing God’s Ingenuity in Earth’s Design
- Seminar descriptions with Fliers and Bios
- Seminar Topics
- sliderImages
- Songs and Poems
- Tapirs, Endangered or Hardy Survivors?
- The Demise of the Mammoths
- The Flood
- The launching of our creation ministry
- The Overlooked Flood Stage
- The Rewriting of Paradise
- The Rocks Speak Out
- The Stones’ Story Retold
- The Stones’ True Story
- The Way of Salvation
- Videos
- Was there an Ice Age?
- Whale Falls: Present Key to the Abundance of Sea Invertebrate Fossils