Summer 2012 – exerts from emailed updates
Last Sunday we did not have anything lined up, and it ended up being a good thing. James and Hannah both had a stomach bug Saturday night and were up all night. Hopefully everyone will be fine tonight, for tomorrow we will be sharing at Bible Baptist Church in El Reno for both Sunday school and children's church. We've had a few good meetings with pastors which will hopefully open future doors. We have been working on our web site again, and have added some youtube videos. under the video tab "more videos". The lighting is not very good in some, but the sound is OK. I'll add more video of Hawaii and Grand Canyon soon.
Brian's dad has been doing alright. We helped him with a estate sell yesterday and today, and have had some good visit time. Next week we should be closing on our house. It has been a long process, but considering GA's economy it is a answer to prayer that it has even sold.
We pull out from OK this morning, so this is just a quick update. The Lord has really blessed our stay in OK. After 2 weeks with Brian’s dad, we relocated to the parking lot of Bible Baptist Church about 30 min away. The pastor there is into graphic design, so we now have new prayer cards, new DVD cover, ministry logo, and 100 more copies of our DVD!!!! (We ran out last Sunday of DVDs) Also we have worked more on our web site, and added more video. (so you can see some Grand Canyon, and Hawaii video.)
The kids have loved having a gym to play in and more kids to play with. We have had no more storms! And to top it all off, our house closed on Friday, (so we are now officially “homeless”, but have money in the bank and can seriously think about relocating. Please pray that we will follow God’s lead and not move ahead of His timing. (We are all ready to be out of our cramped camper.)
We had a great week of family camp at camp Nathaniel. I had over 6 hours of teaching time with about 40 kids. Did we ever get to cover a lot!! After Camp Nathaniel we spent a few days at Camp Cedine in southeast Tenn. (God kept us safe though quite a storm as we drove to camp.) Brian was asked to be the Bible teacher for the family conference Aug 6-11th at Cedine.
Aug 9th, We are in the middle of family camp in Tenn. Brian has been the Bible teacher and does 2 lessons each day. It is going very well. Last week we attended a creation conference at Ridgecrest in NC. That was a great time of learning – This weekend we will pass through GA on our way to FL. I was really hoping to be relocated before the end of summer – but God’s timetable does not always line up with ours – we pray for patience.
Learning to Swim in Hawaii
2011 The year in Review
2011 The Year in Review
During 2009 & 10, we shared our creation ministry full time with several loop trips coming home for a month in between each. Well, that got expensive keeping up with the home front bills and the road expenses, so we decided to put our home on the market and spend this year on the road. Instead of selling our home, we are renting it for the year to a family who is planning on buying it in May. So we did one final St Patrick party in our back yard, one more Easter sunrise hike at Red Top, painted, packed and emptied our house (with a lot of great help from friends at church), said good bye to our home, friends, and neighbors – then hit the road. Needless to say, it was a bitter/sweet day. This summer we hope to relocate somewhere in the country. Life on the road has been like a rollercoaster ride (including the hour wait in line and a 6 flight climb of stairs.) We’ve had lessons in endurance, patience, contentment, longsuffering yet, have also met some wonderful people, seen some awesome scenery, and had some exciting fun(canoeing, hiking, dino dig) We have seen God provide for our needs, give moments of refreshment, and open many doors of opportunity to share. I could tell at least 5 stories for every word or phrase in that last sentence! As part of school the kids have been journaling our trip, maybe someday we will compile a book. Until then, James and I have figured out how to update our web site and next go around we will try to keep this blog updated. All in all, since May 10th, we covered 25 states, drove 12,700 miles, bought over 1000 gal of gas, shared at 22 churches, 4 schools, and 5 weeks of summer camp, visited an unknown number of museums, historical sites and battlefields. We’ve experienced a bit of vehicle trouble this year, ball bearings, differential, camper wheels and converter… but each time it was caught and fixed; we were never left stranded. Hannah has grown so much this year. She learned to ride a bike, read, sing a solo, and not be afraid of horses, canoes, or water! Jonny had a blast at kid’s camp – 2 weeks of being in a cabin of little boys. He gained a new skill while at camp – wood burning. Jeremiah continues to be our out going one, making friends wherever we go. He went from barely able to dog paddle to doing back flips into the deep end! Josiah has become a “Lord of the Rings” fan and is working his way through the third book. He is doing business math this year and keeping track of receipts. He looks the part, carrying all his stuff in a lockable briefcase, which he brought everywhere even to his cabin. Rebekah has become my main helper. She is learning patience as she listens to Hannah’s daily reading. She continues her artwork, photography and music, but sure misses having weekly lessons. She so enjoyed being a camp counselor and staff member. James has been Brian’s right hand man, my personal computer specialist, and missed only 3 on his 40 question driver’s test!! His favorite pastime is now driving, working on the computer,and playing airsoft with his brothers. He did great as a camp counselor and is a big help now with Jonny. I guess that about sums it up! Except to say, Thank you for your prayers – they are so needed and felt.
May 10th Moving Day
Praise the Lord we made it!!! A big thank you to everyone who was able to come out and help!! We finished right at 4:00!!
Today’s request, we did not get a really early start this morning – it will be a long hot ride – we need peace in the van!!! and safety on the road. And, once we get to Florida, I have a majorly packed camper to downsize and organize.
Stepping out in Faith
Stepping Out in Faith
April 2, 2011 Sometimes we wonder if God really hears; if we are truly doing what he wants, or just what we think we want; if valleys of discouragement are going to last forever. And sometimes God moves in ways that you know it is all Him. That He is truly guiding and directing.
On March 30th Brian was working on a new creation power point presentation and came across this verse:
“Thus saith God the LORD, he that created the heavens, and stretched them out ; he that spread forth the earth, and that which cometh out of it;” Is 42:5
That was the main part he was interested in, but I said ‘I wonder what God said, lets look it up again and read the rest.” Here it is:
“he that giveth breath unto the people upon it, and spirit to them that walk therein: I the LORD have called thee in righteousness, and will hold thine hand, and will keep thee, and give thee for a covenant of the people, for a light of the Gentiles; To open the blind eyes, to bring out the prisoners from the prison, and them that sit in darkness out of the prison house.” Isaiah 42:5-7
(Now I know God was not talking directly to us, that verse was originally directed to someone else, but it seemed as if He were talking to us.) He is all-powerful, He is in complete control, and He will be with us and through us open the eyes of the blind. That will be our year’s verse.
The every next day, March 31, we had a family come look at our house, that afternoon they made an offer. They set the closing date for May 9 (After the homeschool convention, May 6-8 and before we leave for Florida, May 11th; absolutely perfect timing). We have a month to get ready to move. We plan to be on the road for 6 months to a year and then buying a new home. I needed that verse in order to take this step of faith; it is not easy to give up a house that has been home for over 10 years. It is not easy to think of living in a camper with 6 children, for me no change is ever easy and I so thank God that the verse came before the offer.
We thank you for the prayers that have been offered on our behalf, and we have a few more for you to bring before God’s throne. That inspections and appraisal would go well 2. We have a good dog who needs a “foster home” for 6 months to a year. He has a house and pen and is an outside dog. We do not want to actually give him away (that would be really hard on the children) 3.We need a place to store some of our stuff, mainly boxes and boxes of books, and some furniture, but we are selling most things. 4. Wisdom in sorting stuff, keeping only what we really should. 5. strength and peace for all of us. (Brian and the boys are excited, Bekah and I are having a harder time)
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