Summer 2012 – exerts from emailed updates
Last Sunday we did not have anything lined up, and it ended up being a good thing. James and Hannah both had a stomach bug Saturday night and were up all night. Hopefully everyone will be fine tonight, for tomorrow we will be sharing at Bible Baptist Church in El Reno for both Sunday school and children's church. We've had a few good meetings with pastors which will hopefully open future doors. We have been working on our web site again, and have added some youtube videos. under the video tab "more videos". The lighting is not very good in some, but the sound is OK. I'll add more video of Hawaii and Grand Canyon soon.
Brian's dad has been doing alright. We helped him with a estate sell yesterday and today, and have had some good visit time. Next week we should be closing on our house. It has been a long process, but considering GA's economy it is a answer to prayer that it has even sold.
We pull out from OK this morning, so this is just a quick update. The Lord has really blessed our stay in OK. After 2 weeks with Brian’s dad, we relocated to the parking lot of Bible Baptist Church about 30 min away. The pastor there is into graphic design, so we now have new prayer cards, new DVD cover, ministry logo, and 100 more copies of our DVD!!!! (We ran out last Sunday of DVDs) Also we have worked more on our web site, and added more video. (so you can see some Grand Canyon, and Hawaii video.)
The kids have loved having a gym to play in and more kids to play with. We have had no more storms! And to top it all off, our house closed on Friday, (so we are now officially “homeless”, but have money in the bank and can seriously think about relocating. Please pray that we will follow God’s lead and not move ahead of His timing. (We are all ready to be out of our cramped camper.)
We had a great week of family camp at camp Nathaniel. I had over 6 hours of teaching time with about 40 kids. Did we ever get to cover a lot!! After Camp Nathaniel we spent a few days at Camp Cedine in southeast Tenn. (God kept us safe though quite a storm as we drove to camp.) Brian was asked to be the Bible teacher for the family conference Aug 6-11th at Cedine.
Aug 9th, We are in the middle of family camp in Tenn. Brian has been the Bible teacher and does 2 lessons each day. It is going very well. Last week we attended a creation conference at Ridgecrest in NC. That was a great time of learning – This weekend we will pass through GA on our way to FL. I was really hoping to be relocated before the end of summer – but God’s timetable does not always line up with ours – we pray for patience.
Find out more …
- About The Estells
- Another possible solution for disharmonious associations in Ice Age deposits
- Articles
- Connecting the Dots
- Contact information
- Creation based VBS
- Creation Resources
- Crinoid Fossils: Evidence of Millions of Years or the Global Flood?
- Did Winter Cleanse the Flood Water of Excess Salt?
- Do Antarctic Fossil Forests Prove Trees Grew near the South Pole?
- Educational Resources
- Fish Fossil
- Fish Fossils
- Geodes: Crystals Hidden Within a Round Rock
- Geology Explained in Terms of Global Flood Recovery
- God’s Forgotten Promise
- Living Fossils
- Making logical sense of earth’s geological column.
- Mount Saint Helens
- Mount Saint Helens
- Petrified Wood
- Petrified Wood
- Post Flood Migration of Mammals
- Printed Letters to the Editor
- Resources
- Reverse Engineering the Grand Canyon
- Seeing God’s Ingenuity in Earth’s Design
- Seminar descriptions with Fliers and Bios
- Seminar Topics
- sliderImages
- Songs and Poems
- Tapirs, Endangered or Hardy Survivors?
- The Demise of the Mammoths
- The Flood
- The launching of our creation ministry
- The Overlooked Flood Stage
- The Rewriting of Paradise
- The Rocks Speak Out
- The Stones’ Story Retold
- The Stones’ True Story
- The Way of Salvation
- Videos
- Was there an Ice Age?
- Whale Falls: Present Key to the Abundance of Sea Invertebrate Fossils