2013 Year in Review
God’s blessings were clearly seen this year as He opened door after door of opportunities to share the truth of His Word. He kept us safe as we traveled over 21,000 miles through 22 states including a week tour of New England (as a family we have now been in 48 states – only Alaska and Nevada to go!) Two incredible opportunities were sharing with the retired New Tribe Missionaries in Sanford, FL and sharing with the staff at Samaritan Ministries (The Christian healthcare sharing organization in Peoria, IL.). December was spent in Florida where we not only had several seminars, but were also able to do the Christmas musical with several other homeschooling families.We returned home just in time for a white Christmas. This year we shared at 34 churches, plus various group homes, camps, schools, homeschool groups, and even a public day care. We now have a presentation suitable for public schools. It does not mention God, creation, the world wide flood, or even evolution. It only brings up questions like; “How could horseshoe crabs have been around for millions of years and not changed?” Then we show lots of other examples of living fossils and ask the same question. “Where did all the mud come from which quickly buried the huge dinosaurs before they rotted away?” And, “If the Island of Surtsey formed quickly yet ‘looked old’ after 2 years, how can we know Hawaii is millions of years old?” Anyways you get the idea and so did the kids at the daycare. We are excited about the possibility of sharing at local public schools. We hope that this year we will only do a few loop trips and not be putting quite as many miles on the van. While exploring the Great Lakes area, we’ll focus on local seminars, video and CD projects, and refining our power points.On the home front, James reached a major mile mark as he graduated from high school. For this year he has continued to faithfully help us with the ministry and help Jonny and Hannah with their school. Rebekah has blossomed into a beautiful young lady both inside and out. She is looking forward to getting back into piano lessons and totally enjoying her unabridged copy of Les Miserables. Our travels worked out so that we passed through Georgia on the weekend of the southern ball, so she, James and Josiah were all able to go. Continuing to do well with his studies, Josiah entered high school this year. Jeremiah is into cartooning and is illustrating the phonics books I’m writing. Jonny is now in the 5th grade and is learning to play the ukulele. He has also learned to make stop action videos; what patience he has as he takes a picture then moves the paper ever so slightly and takes another one. Hannah has learned to swim! Not nearly as well as the other five but, she can keep her head above water and get where she needs to go. Bekah has also taught her to crochet. As a family we had many new experiences from shaking trees and collecting pecans in SC, touring a maple syrup factory in NH, making apple cider in Illinois, to sledding here in MI. Homeschooling has been going well, but we are all enjoying our two week break (even if it is too cold to go out and play in the snow. Saturday it is supposed to warm up to 26 !! Maybe we’ll go out then.

Find out more …
- About The Estells
- Another possible solution for disharmonious associations in Ice Age deposits
- Articles
- Connecting the Dots
- Contact information
- Creation based VBS
- Creation Resources
- Crinoid Fossils: Evidence of Millions of Years or the Global Flood?
- Did Winter Cleanse the Flood Water of Excess Salt?
- Do Antarctic Fossil Forests Prove Trees Grew near the South Pole?
- Educational Resources
- Fish Fossil
- Fish Fossils
- Geodes: Crystals Hidden Within a Round Rock
- Geology Explained in Terms of Global Flood Recovery
- God’s Forgotten Promise
- Living Fossils
- Making logical sense of earth’s geological column.
- Mount Saint Helens
- Mount Saint Helens
- Petrified Wood
- Petrified Wood
- Post Flood Migration of Mammals
- Printed Letters to the Editor
- Resources
- Reverse Engineering the Grand Canyon
- Seeing God’s Ingenuity in Earth’s Design
- Seminar descriptions with Fliers and Bios
- Seminar Topics
- sliderImages
- Songs and Poems
- Tapirs, Endangered or Hardy Survivors?
- The Demise of the Mammoths
- The Flood
- The launching of our creation ministry
- The Overlooked Flood Stage
- The Rewriting of Paradise
- The Rocks Speak Out
- The Stones’ Story Retold
- The Stones’ True Story
- The Way of Salvation
- Videos
- Was there an Ice Age?
- Whale Falls: Present Key to the Abundance of Sea Invertebrate Fossils