First loop tour from our new home in Michigan
Hello everyone, this is Rebekah. I am filling in for mom, since she is in a lot of pain right now. You see she tripped and fell, and then a few days later twisted in a strange way while doing laundry, so now she has a injured back. She has seen a chiropractor, here in Florida, and is on the way to recovery, but we would appreciate your prayers. Before we left Michigan, about four weeks ago, we were able to get almost fully settled into our new home. We even hosted a open house for the members of the church. Our first stop, on our southern loop, was Camp Cedine where dad taught creation science for a week to students between high school and college. Then a quick stop in Georgia, so James, Josiah, and I could attend a southern ball (we had a wonderful time) and then we were off to South Carolina. Our seminars in S.C. went very well, and we had a wonderful time visiting with our friends the McMurrays and Orcutts. The Orcutts showed us how to pick pecans,which was very interesting. Back in Georgia we stayed almost a week with Miss Jean Sparks, who was such a good Hostess we did not want to leave. We visited so many friends in Georgia and had such a good time! During our drive down to FL, mom’s back hurt her so much…again please pray for her! Here in FL we have such a busy schedule. Just last night we had to do a seminar without mom! Josiah and I did her speaking for her. Josiah did a very good job, and apparently I did to because the pastor could not believe it was my first time! I guess that’s what comes from praying a whole lot and hearing it at least a hundred times.

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- About The Estells
- Another possible solution for disharmonious associations in Ice Age deposits
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- Crinoid Fossils: Evidence of Millions of Years or the Global Flood?
- Did Winter Cleanse the Flood Water of Excess Salt?
- Do Antarctic Fossil Forests Prove Trees Grew near the South Pole?
- Educational Resources
- Fish Fossil
- Fish Fossils
- Geodes: Crystals Hidden Within a Round Rock
- Geology Explained in Terms of Global Flood Recovery
- God’s Forgotten Promise
- Living Fossils
- Making logical sense of earth’s geological column.
- Mount Saint Helens
- Mount Saint Helens
- Petrified Wood
- Petrified Wood
- Post Flood Migration of Mammals
- Printed Letters to the Editor
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- Reverse Engineering the Grand Canyon
- Seeing God’s Ingenuity in Earth’s Design
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- Songs and Poems
- Tapirs, Endangered or Hardy Survivors?
- The Demise of the Mammoths
- The Flood
- The launching of our creation ministry
- The Overlooked Flood Stage
- The Rewriting of Paradise
- The Rocks Speak Out
- The Stones’ Story Retold
- The Stones’ True Story
- The Way of Salvation
- Videos
- Was there an Ice Age?
- Whale Falls: Present Key to the Abundance of Sea Invertebrate Fossils