October, 2012 our Month in South Carolina
Sept 10th The Lord has blessed us with a very full summer of ministry. We are now into our last week here in Florida. We have a busy weekend coming up with a youth group on Sat. and 2 churches on Sunday. Then Lord willing we will be pulling out Monday morning. We had been planning another trip out to CA, but that will have to wait till next year, as we have a full slate of churches lined up in SC, NC and VA for this fall. Sept 29th,
We head out in a few minutes (when the laundry finishes) and have a very full schedule starting with 2 churches tomorrow in Lawrence SC. We have 15 scheduled seminars for the month of Oct. (all in SC) Please pray for strength, cooperation among the children, health for everyone, but mostly that people will be strengthened in their faith and lives will be committed to following God. We have an opportunity to share at a boy’s camp Oct 9th – please especially pray for the boys there.
As we head out our resource box is full with 70 labeled DVDs (Thanks to Grace church and Doneine’s help) and 100 dino DVDs are on there way. Plus we have lots of booklets and tracts to give away.
We have Oct 24 – Nov 4 not scheduled (which may be a good break) but we are also available for whatever God may open as we travel.
Also we are actively looking for our new home, so please continue to pray for God’s leading in the search.
Homeschooling has been going pretty well (some days better then others) but we’ve had some breakthroughs – Jonny has learned his multiplication tables!! and learned how to study his spelling words! reading is still slow – but he can do it now. Please pray that we can keep the momentum going as our schedule gets very busy.
Oct 18th,
Since leaving Ga on Sept 29, we have shared at 4 Mennonite schools, 7 churches, and 1 boys camp! This weekend will be busy with chapel in the morning then 4 programs over the weekend. Then we will be headed down to Orangeburg, SC where we have been asked to share at a Methodist college. (that will be a first.) This has been the busiest month of our ministry, and we praise God for all the opportunities.
On the home front, school has been going well, the van has had no problems, and other than that night with Jerry, everyone has been healthy. One of our host families (which quickly became good friends) happened to also be a dentist. We had checkups all around – and praise the Lord only Brian had major cavity needing filling.
Here is what is left on our itinerary:
Friday – Cornerstone Chirstian Acad. then that night at Crooked Run Baptist
Sat night also at Crooked Run
Sun Am still at Crooked Run Then PM at a community Church
Wed and Thur Southern Methodist College
2 weeks open
Nov 7 Salem Bapt in Dobson, NC
Nov 11 Victory Bapt. Virgina Beach, VA
Nov 14 Church of God South Hill, VA
After which I hope we move into our new home – Nov 10th will mark 1 and 1/2 years on the road with over 29,000 miles.
Mid Jan will see us back in FL again with a weekend family camp. Please pray for our continued safety and contentment as we wait on God’s timing. Although we have looked at a few houses, we still do not have peace about where God would have us relocate.

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- Another possible solution for disharmonious associations in Ice Age deposits
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- Crinoid Fossils: Evidence of Millions of Years or the Global Flood?
- Did Winter Cleanse the Flood Water of Excess Salt?
- Do Antarctic Fossil Forests Prove Trees Grew near the South Pole?
- Educational Resources
- Fish Fossil
- Fish Fossils
- Geodes: Crystals Hidden Within a Round Rock
- Geology Explained in Terms of Global Flood Recovery
- God’s Forgotten Promise
- Living Fossils
- Making logical sense of earth’s geological column.
- Mount Saint Helens
- Mount Saint Helens
- Petrified Wood
- Petrified Wood
- Post Flood Migration of Mammals
- Printed Letters to the Editor
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- Reverse Engineering the Grand Canyon
- Seeing God’s Ingenuity in Earth’s Design
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- Tapirs, Endangered or Hardy Survivors?
- The Demise of the Mammoths
- The Flood
- The launching of our creation ministry
- The Overlooked Flood Stage
- The Rewriting of Paradise
- The Rocks Speak Out
- The Stones’ Story Retold
- The Stones’ True Story
- The Way of Salvation
- Videos
- Was there an Ice Age?
- Whale Falls: Present Key to the Abundance of Sea Invertebrate Fossils